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Розробки уроків з теми «Food» для учнів 2 класу


Я люблю сніданок

Це урок-подорож до кафе, яке розміщене в зоопарку та знайомство з вподобаннями у їжі звірів-героїв, які проживають там. Учні згадують лексику до теми «Їжа». Учитель вводить нові лексичні одиниці, діти закріплюють їх за допомогою групової, парної  та індивідуальної роботи. Слухають історію звірів із зоопарку та виконують завдання до тексту. Після фізкультхвилинки вчитель пояснює учням нове граматичне явище «I like» та «I don’t like» за допомогою правила-схеми. Учні виконують граматичні вправи. В кінці уроку вони слухають пісню про сніданок наших героїв вранці. Урок на меті ставить розвиток навичок говоріння, читання, письма, аудіювання та граматики.


Topic: I like breakfast.


  • develop pupils’ speaking, listening, writing, reading and grammar skills;

  • talk about what food people like;

  • incorporate individual and group work;

  • stimulate pupils’ thinking;

  • develop such features of character as respect, kindness, politeness and sense of taste.

Equipment: lesson flashcards, class CD, tape recorder and board.




Teacher: Good morning, dear children! I am glad to see you!

Pupils:    Good morning, dear teacher! We are glad to see you too!

Teacher: I am fine, today. And how are you?

  •  We are fine too.

  •  That’s nice that everybody is fine and ready to work. And today we are going to learn some new word with our characters: Tag, Trumpet, Chatter, Karla, Patty and Sally.


  • stick the bread, honey, milk, egg and orange flashcards on the board. Point to them at random and ask the children to mime eating/drinking the item in the picture.

New vocabulary introduction.

  • say Open your book at page 74 (Pupil’s Book; “FlyHigh 2”) and find new words (breakfast, hungry, bread, honey, milk, egg, orange);

  •  play the CD; stop after each word and ask the children to repeat the words 3 times;

  • propose some games for activation new vocabulary (such games as “Clap clap smth.”, etc.).

Listening and reading:

  • Pre-reading: ask the children: “What do they eat and drink for breakfast?”; ask them look at the story and answer: “How many apples/oranges/eggs are there?”;

  • Listening: ask children look at the story and listen to it (Pupil’s Book p. 74 Story “I like breakfast”).

  • Reading: read the story together with pupils step by step; then translate it for better understanding.

After-reading exercise:

  • ask pupils to read the sentences, use the story and circle the right words in the sentences.


Stand up, hands up, hands down.

Stretch yourself, wash your face, brush your teeth, dress yourself.

Have breakfast, drink some tea, take your bag and go to school.

Say “Good morning” to your teacher. Sit down.

Grammar Time:

  • ask the children to look at the picture and choose someone who reads Tag’s speech bubble;

  • write on the board “I like honey. You like honey. We like honey. They like honey.“, then ask children to read the sentences, after ask to find grammar examples in the presentation story;

  • say “I like cake.” and prompt with I like… to elicit sentences (incorporate individual and group work).

Grammar exercise:

  • ask children to read the instructions and do the exercise;

  • check the answers.


  • ask the children to find the stickers;

  • play the CD and stop after each sentence;

  • check the answers;

  • then play the CD again and sing the song “I like breakfast”.


  • thanks pupils for their work during the lesson and evaluate them.


  • ask the children to complete pp. 60-61 in their Activity Book;

  • learn by heart new words, read the story and learn grammar rule pp.74-75 in their Pupil’s Book.











Розробка уроку з теми «Food» для учнів 3 класу


Їжа у Великобританії

Це урок-подорож до Великобританії та знайомство з харчовими вподобаннями країни мову, якої вивчають учні. Учитель вводить нові лексичні одиниці, діти закріплюють їх за допомогою парної  та індивідуальної роботи. Учні слухають розповідь “Food in Britain”. Урок ставить на меті розвиток навичок говоріння, читання, письма та аудіювання, а також поглиблює знання школярів про Великобританію.


Topic: Food in Britain.


  • develop pupils’ speaking, listening, writing, reading and cross-cultural skills;

  • learn about an aspect of British culture;

  • incorporate individual and group work;

  • extend pupils’ knowledge about Britain.

Equipment: food flashcards, class CD, tape recorder and board.




Teacher: Good afternoon, dear children! I am glad to see you!

Pupils:    Good afternoon, dear teacher!

  •  That’s nice that everybody is fine and ready to work. And today we are going to travel to Britain and find out some interesting information about food in Britain and of course we try to compare food in Ukraine and Britain. Are you ready? If, yes. Let’s start.


  • have a class discussion about special food in Ukraine;

  • make a list of three favourite dishes in the class.

  • New vocabulary introduction.

  • say Open your book at page 99 (Pupil’s Book; “FlyHigh 3”);

  •  play the CD and present new vocabulary (cereal, tea, salt, vinegar, pudding and custard);

  • propose some games for activation new vocabulary.

Listening and reading with Trumpet: “Food in Britain”:

  • Pre-reading: ask the children to look at the photographs and tell what they can see in each one.

  • Listening: ask children to listen to the story (Pupil’s Book p. 99).

  • Reading: read the story together with pupils step by step; then translate it for better understanding.

After-reading exercise:

  • ask pupils the questions about each mini text (Pupil’s Book p. 99 Text):

  1. What do people sometimes have for breakfast in Britain? (cereal and fruit)

  2. What do people in Britain love to eat with chips? (fish)

  3. What do some people have with their toast? (eggs)

  4. What do they put on their fish and chips? (salt and vinegar)

  5. What is custard like? (sweet and yellow)

  6. What do they have on their pancakes? (honey or chocolate)

  • ask pupils to do “yes/no” exercise (Pupil’s Book p. 99 Ex. 1):

  1. People drink tea with orange juice. ____

  2. You can have vinegar with your chips. ____

  3. Children eat hot cross buns at Easter. ____

  4. People eat custard with chicken. ____

  5. Some people have fruit for breakfast. ____

  6. There aren’t many fish and chips shops in Britain. ____

  • check the answers:


  1. no

  2. yes


  1. yes

  2. no


  1. yes

  2. no

Writing and speaking:

  • ask the pupils to read the example text (Pupil’s Book p. 99 Ex. 2):

For breakfast I like eggs, toast and apple juice.

On Sunday we have spaghetti with cheese.

On my birthday we eat cake and ice cream.

My favourite food is pizza.

  • ask them to write their own examples in their notebooks;

  • invite some of them to the board and read their works to the class.


  • thanks pupils for their work during the lesson and evaluate them.


  • ask the children to learn by heart their works in their notebooks at home;

  • ask them to re-read the story one more time at home (Pupil’s Book p.99 “Food in Britain”).











Блог, Чеченєвої Марини Валеріївни, учителя англійської мови Бориспільської загальноосвітньої школи I-III ступенів № 3

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